Murad Skincare

Murad Skincare - Art Direction, Digital/Social




Art DirectioN, Digital Design for Murad Skincare, Unilever


(Project type)

Art Direction, Digital Design, Content Creation


Murad Skincare

(Scope of Work)

Murad is a beauty company founded in the 1980’s by Dr. Howard Murad and owned by Unilever whose focus is on clinical skincare products and whole body wellness.

Assets include assorted art direction and designed emails for innovation launches, art direction for monthly promotions lead by our cross functional digital marketing teams, paid social media ads for partnered retailers (such as Sephora, Ulta, Nordstrom, etc.), as well as UX/UI wireframes and designs for constant A/B testing and innovation of our retail global website (both desktop and mobile)


(Art Direction)

Art directed for monthly promotions as requested by the cross-functional e-commerce and digital marketing teams as well as art directed models for Murad’s 2023 Q1 Innovation launch - the Retinal ReSculpt Overnight Treatment. These images were used across all digital assets for the launch campaign as well as all cross functional teams.



Campaign emails for each innovation to market each individual product for the consumer to give them “reasons to believe”, how these products fit into the Murad ethos, as well as regimen education as not to overtake other products in the Murad line.


(Paid Ads)

Paid Media ads designed for lead generation as well as customer retention, education, and innovation for brand, partner retailers, and agencies.



I worked closely with the product team, web developers, and agencies such as Dynamic Yield. We wireframed and designed for A/B testing to innovate and test user experience and interactions to generate sales for the retail website on both desktop and mobile.

Testing product team’s hypothesis of driving user click-throughs through a mini navigation system - we drove over $200k of sales from this test alone.

My Rewards and Beauty Rewards Page Redesign for Murad - Desktop

My Rewards and Beauty Rewards Page Redesign for Murad - Mobile